Scholarships to the Principals Centre in Australia
The first Principals Centre in Australia presented by the Harvard Graduate School of Education was held in January 2020 in Sydney. It was attended by 171 principals of public, catholic and independent schools. 55 of these principals who were leading government primary and secondary schools won scholarships to attend this four-day program.
Scholarship Value
The scholarships pay for 80% of the course fee, accommodation in Sydney and a travel allowance related to the distance the winners have to travel.
Principals of government primary and secondary schools are eligible for these scholarships
Funding Source
Funds for these scholarships are provided by individual and corporate donors. The funds are channelled through educational charities to provide the donors with tax deductibility.
Selection Process
The Harvard Graduate School of Education application form for the Principals Centre in Australia has a simple “tick box” that enables applicants to apply for scholarship funding without any other process being required to apply.
Applications will open in June each year assuming future Principals Centres in Australia are held in January each year.
Ongoing Involvement
We encourage past winners to promote the Principals Centre in Australia to their peers, and to share their learning with peer principals in their region.
Partner Organisations
Our primary partner is the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Several Educational charitable organisations assist us to promote the program, and to facilitate tax deductibility of donations. These organisations include (i) The Public Education Foundation, (ii) Schools Plus, (iii) Australian Business and Community Network, (iv) Aurora Education Foundation and (v) Social Ventures Australia.
More Information
More information is available at the Graduate School of Education website under Principals Professional Education and when open the application form will be found here.
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