The Australia-Harvard Fellowship (A-HF) Program is an initiative of the Harvard Club of Australia (HCA) Foundation, a nationwide philanthropy based in Sydney. It promotes learned exchange between Harvard University faculty and those at academic institutions in Australia. which leverages established collaborations/networks at the mid- and senior-career levels.

Commenced in 2004, the A-HF program has granted some 78 Fellowships that have been made possible as a result of generous support from the Foundation amounting to more than a million dollars. Fellowships are recognised as prestigious awards with substantial impacts on scientific discovery and career advancement.

Australia-Harvard Fellowships are aimed at innovators who are normally based at Harvard and have a persuasive plan to collaborate with Australia’s best bioscience researchers and educators. The award also supports Australian researchers who wish later to follow up such joint initiatives at Harvard. Most favoured will be those applicants who can demonstrate the strong potential for their collaborations with Harvard colleagues to result in outputs that have ‘break-through’ impact. The HCA Foundation is particularly interested in supporting projects that use its contribution as ‘seed capital’.


  • to build a launch-pad for innovations that bring measurable benefits to humankind;
  • to lay groundwork that later attracts major funding for further R & D and translation from the public or the private sector;
  • to develop new teaching methods that transform students’ capability for creative scientific solutions.

Scholarship Value
A Fellowship takes the form of a donation to a qualified Australian institution on behalf of the applicant. It covers the cost of travel and subsistence, allowing an Australian researcher to bring a Harvard counterpart to this country for lengthy scientific collaboration. In some cases, support will also be provided to Australian academics travelling to Harvard (see Selection Process below). Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult their potential host(s) for guidance with respect to what are reasonable living and accommodation costs. (As a guide: ~AUD 9,000 per month is the maximum support that will be provided and is dependent on seniority). Universities and institutions can generally recommend appropriate levels of funding to be sought, given the academic status of the applicant, anticipated mobility and length of stay. Alternatively, please consult us for advice. Normally, air travel is funded only at the economy level.


Selection Process
Projects that are clearly described, are strongly endorsed by their intended collaborators, and offer good interaction with Australian peers will be given priority for funding. Applicants for out-bound Fellowships should demonstrate how Australia's research-base will benefit by extending their collaboration to Harvard's facilities.

Applications open in May of the preceding year and close in September. Successful applicants will be notified in December.

Partnership Organisation
HCA Foundation is an initiative of the Harvard Club of Australia. It supports learned exchange between Harvard University and academic institutions in Australia. HCA Foundation receives tax-deductible donations, principally from Club members and from Club-sponsored fund-raising activities, such as its annual executive education program.

Funding Source
HCA Foundation

A-HF Program Coordinators

Chair:     Director:
Professor Marc Pelligrini MB BS BSc PhD Dr. Galina Kaseko
robert-graham dr.-galina-kaseko

More Information

Australia-Harvard Fellows - 2025 - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Australia-Harvard Fellows 2025 Application Form - APPLICATION TEMPLATE

Australia-Harvard Fellows -2024 A-HF  - MEDIA RELEASE APRIL 2024

Honour Roll of Australia-Harvard Fellows - HONOUR ROLL
Latest Australia-Harvard Fellowship news - 
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