Mentoring Program

As part of our club's ongoing commitment to helping our members succeed and fostering stronger links across generations of Harvard alumni, the Harvard Club of Australia is offering mentors to a small number of Harvard graduates.

Applicants should be members of the Harvard Club and have graduated from one of the Harvard schools relatively recently. You will be matched with senior members of the Harvard Club of Australia based on your answers to the application questions.  So please take time to consider your answers and be as specific as possible.

The program will formally run until the end of year. Mentors & Mentees will form their own agreements about meetings and conversations and we will support each mentoring pair by providing some guidelines at the beginning of the program.  We will also check in on each mentoring pair every few months and be available throughout the program to discuss any issues that might arise. 

Interested in participating? Applications are now closed for 2020 

Any and all questions, please feel free to contact Sunny Lee Mentoring Program Leader

APPLY HERE - now closed for 2020.