TIME: 5.30-7.30PM (AEST)

VENUE: ANU Enterprise Pty Ltd, Level 2, No. 121 Marcus Clarke St, Canberra (Childers Street Entrance)


  • President Biden has said we are living in a “decisive decade”.  Heather Smith PSM, National President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, has referred to it as “disruptive, disorderly, and dangerous”.  We are living through tectonic shifts in geopolitics, geoeconomics, technology, and the environment that are challenging global security, and upending the international order. How should Australia, as a globalized nation-state, position itself to best navigate these turbulent times?


Katrina Cooper has served at the most senior levels of government with expertise in foreign policy, national security and international law.  She was Prime Minister Albanese's Sherpa for the G20 in Bali in 2022 and G7 in Hiroshima in 2023 and Deputy Secretary, International and National Security in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.  In the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade her senior appointments have included:  Australia's ASEAN senior official; Deputy Secretary, South East Asia and Global Partners; Head of the AUKUS Taskforce; and Chief Legal Officer.  She was Australia's Ambassador to Mexico from 2008-2012 and Deputy Chief of Mission to Washington during the Trump Administration and the COVID pandemic. She is currently in transition to a new role.

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For further information on this event or other ACT Chapter events, please contact George Hlaing on 0422 648 447