WHAT: Virtual Event discussing the future of arts and humanities.
WHEN: Rescheduled for October 2024 - Date to be confirmed.
To coincide with the Sydney Writers Festival, please join us for an insightful and diverse panel discussion regarding the future of arts and humanities.
Here’s an audacious question: how can we hope to solve the world’s gravest problems without glass-blowing or music theory? Or to put it another way, “what is the future of arts and humanities study?” Taking these questions seriously is to entertain the idea that we have lost our way in problem-solving. We try to make problems smaller and less complex than they really are, which makes for incomplete solutions. To problem solve with humanities is to welcome ambiguity, uncertainty, incomplete information and multiple, often contradictory truths as fundamental conditions for decision-making. It’s also to recognize storytelling not just as an outcome of problem solving but integral to it. Join a discussion about why this is the case.
- Sophie Gee (Princeton English Professor and Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Sydney)
- Fleur Johns (incoming Dean, University of Sydney law school)
- Rob McLean (former McKinsey Managing Partner, ANZ and Author: “Bulletproof Problem-solving and The Imperfectionists” and
- Michael Miller (Washington Post’s first Sydney Bureau Chief)