
You are warmly invited to the celebrate Thanksgiving with the Harvard Club of Australia

Thursday 23rd November.

Discount for tables of eight!


Please make a special effort to join fellow Harvard Club members and their partners, to renew acquaintances, meet new Harvard Club alumni and their guests and other Harvard alumni based in Queensland to share in the true spirit of Thanksgiving.

We repeat with last year’s stunning duo performance of Oliver Samson (Vocals) and Campbell Kelly (Piano) followed by sharing stories of thanksgiving at tables.

We may stimulate some light-hearted competition between tables as the evening progresses!

Pass on the word to friends who are Alumni and fellow cohort members who may not have heard through our newsletter. Guests are made most welcome and please let us know if you wish to organise a table or part. Beware, however, once you are settled in your tables, your MC for the evening will encourage a structured rotation of guests during the evening!


Time: 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm

Venue: The Members Dining Room, The Brisbane Club, Post Office Square, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Price: $195.00 HCA members and guests. This includes a traditional roast turkey dinner, an exceptional Brisbane Club drinks package and our musical accompaniment.

Dress: “Brisbane Smart!”  Lounge suit or black tie for Men, Gown or Formal Dress for Women

Tables also available for $1,400 ($175/head). Please contact the Queensland Chapter Convenor, Jon Lindsay at for this and any other queries.