Harvard Club of Australia
Queensland Chapter
You are invited to join us for a Queensland chapter Dinner Club event.
We are pleased to announce that our next Dinner Club event will be hosted by HCA member, William Braun and his wife Anastasia Braun.
Details are set out below:
Time: 6:30 pm for 7 pm on Wednesday, 20 July, 2022.
Venue: The home of William and Anastasia Braun in Hamilton, Q 4007.
Price: $95 for HCA members and guests.
Dress code: Smart casual.
Please book on the HCA website below advise of any special dietary requirements.
The maximum number of guests that can be accommodated is 20 so please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
If you cannot make this event but would like to be part of the mailing list for the Dinner Club events – please register your interest on the website.