The 60th Annual General Meeting of the Harvard Club of Australia Inc.
will be held on June 8th, 2022 via Zoom commencing at 6.00pm.
Please click on the Zoom link above to join the meeting.
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting.
The 59th Annual General Meeting of the Harvard Club of Australia Inc. was held on 23rd June 2021 commencing at 6.00pm via zoom.
3. Presidents’ Report
Club President Elizabeth Carr AM will provide an update on the last year’s activities. The President’s report is published in the latest report and available on the club website under “Governance”.
4. Approval of Annual Financial Statements
Approval of the financial statements for the Club for the year ended 31 December 2021. The financial statements are published in the Annual Report and available on the club website under “Governance”.
5. Election of Auditors
The HCA’s auditor is Quest Chartered Accountants. We propose to reappoint them to act as auditors for the coming financial year.
6. Election of Officers
Under the Constitution, the President serves two years in office, and the Vice Presidents serve a maximum of three years before re-election. Elizabeth Carr AM was elected at the AGM on June 18th 2020 and therefore her term comes to an end. Matthew Loughnan has been nominated for the Office of President.
The Vice Presidents’ roles are for three year terms and none are due for re-election at this AGM.
7. Presentation of Harvard Club of Australia Award
One Award will be presented: Spirit of Australia
8. General Business
Opportunity for members to raise any matters of general business.
By order of the Council
Isabel Loxton
Public Officer and Secretary, Harvard Club of Australia Inc.
Following the formalities of the AGM we will hear from our 3 R.G Menzies recipients for 2022
The 60th Annual Report for the Harvard Club of Australia has been completed and is available to view on the website HERE.