Come listen to a young Harvardian in concert!
Who knew that Harvard University inspired top flight musical composers?
And that we have one such composer right here in Perth?
- He’s John Pax. Next month he conducts a compelling public performance of his “Echoes and Songs”.
- Holmes a Court Gallery, West Perth - 7:30 pm, 20 January 2022.
- $45 including refreshments.
For booking and performance details, click on this link. -
Book early to avoid disappointment.
Six years ago, John Pax, now 29, was one of the youngest ever to be accepted into Harvard’s doctoral program for Music Composition. He arrived there having completed two undergraduate degrees, BMus, hons. from Melbourne and a BA from UWA. Now he is on the verge of submitting for his Harvard doctorate.
This is where John’s performance on 20 January comes in. It’s scored for two vocalists, violin, bass flute, percussion, and clarinet with live and some fixed electronics, all brought together into a continuous musical experience. This, along with an extended written thesis as well as a dozen other works composed between 2015 and 2019, will be submitted (and defended) in May 2022 as the final academic component of John’s doctoral studies at Harvard.
John says his music has been described as "of our time […] peaceful [yet] with a sense of anxiety, a sense of poignancy”. Leading up to his present status, John has filled two roles: one as pianist and the other as educator. For the piano, his primary interest was interpreting 15th and 16th century keyboard works for the modern piano. And in education, he has maintained positions at Harvard (teaching fellow, 2017-19) and more recently at UWA as part-time lecturer.
Harvard Club of Australia is proud to help promote this significant public performance, offering a strong sample of Harvard University’s breadth of culture and learning in a field not widely recognised. The Club wish John every success in his academic aspiration.