HAA SIG Showcase

Thursday 4th November 9am AEST / Wednesday 3rd November 6pm ET

The SIG Showcase is an opportunity to find a group of like-minded Harvard alumni in the topics most important to you. This year, dozens of SIGs will host individual events throughout one single day. You get to choose which events to attend and which SIGs to connect with. Make sure to check out the SIG Showcase event listing below to browse all of the events. Registration details will be included on the individual pages for each event.

With Harvard Alumni Association Shared Interest Groups (SIGs), no matter what you’re interested in, odds are, there’s a SIG waiting for you. These groups offer a range of opportunities to network, socialize, connect with, and give back to your Harvard community.­ With thousands of members in more than 55 groups, SIGs are the perfect way to tap into your Harvard network and find alumni from all over the globe who share your interests and affinities.

Shared Interest Groups can help you:

  • Grow your personal and professional connections with alumni with similar interests, careers, or identities.
  • Access professional resources and a network of alumni outside your geographic region.
  • Find opportunities for intellectual enrichment and community service.
  • Stay connected to Harvard with friends old and new.

Participating SIGS and timetable of showcase events here - https://alumni.harvard.edu/programs-events/sig-showcase#sigs