Masterclass, The Miracle of Case Method of Parenting and Grandparenting
This is an event that will appeal to parents, grandparents and children. Please encourage family members and friends to join you on the Zoom. Hosted by HCA member, Ainsley Barahona Santos
Thursday, 3 December 2020, at 8pm AEST via Zoom
Anne Jones, a mother and a Harvard graduate (HBS ’97), who lives in Atlanta, will share how to simplify the proven Harvard Business School case method into a framework a child can understand. Anyone can tell a one minute story with a question at the end! The children can become confident decision makers and thoughtful problem solvers. Parents bond with their children while using a world-renowned method to prepare their children for life.
Anne has written a book, The Case Method Miracle, to show how the case study method used at HBS can teach children independent thinking, wise judgement and confidence. This method can be used with children of any age, starting as young as age two and extending all the way through the teenage years and beyond.
Involving simple, one minute stories, the case study is something anyone can do anywhere and at any time - and the ‘miracle’ refers to the outcome seen in children’s behaviour. This can be a game changer, especially during the formative years of childhood, and will help children become independent decision makers ,who own their decisions, and enable them to self-correct, lessening the need for direction and correction from caregivers.
As pre-reading for the Masterclass you can access Anne’s one minute video, a case story example and a HBS Bulletin Feature ( September 2020) by clicking on the links below.
Anne's book can be purchased here
Anne Jones
Anne Jones (HBS ’97) has written an exciting book about how to use the case study method she learned at HBS to effectively teach children independent thinking, wise judgment, and grit. This method can be used with kids of any age, starting as young as age two and extending all the way through the teenage years and beyond. Involving simple, one-minute stories, the case study method is something anyone can do, anywhere, and at any time—and the "miracle" refers to the outcome we see in kids' behavior! Adding this method to your toolbox can be a game changer, especially during the formative years of childhood. You can help kids become independent decision makers, own their decisions, and enabling them to self-correct, lessening the need for direction and correction from caregivers.
Ainsley Barahona Santos
Ainsley has over 20 years experience in diverse, complex and transforming organisations, with deep expertise in organisational development, human resources and talent strategy. In addition to her current role as General Manager HR Partnering at icare, she is an executive mentor with McCarthy Mentoring, qualified executive coach & experienced Non-Executive Director on for-purpose Boards nationally.
Ainsley has a deep interest in human potential and how we relate to one another. Her qualifications include a Master of Science in Coaching Psychology, Master of International Relations and a BA Communication. She has studied motivational science and compassion cultivation with Stanford University and social psychology at the University of Cambridge. In 2019 she completed HCA’s Program for Leaders on ‘Culture and Leadership, DNA for an Age of Disruption.’