19 October 2020, Monday Club - Leading Schools Through Complexity and Uncertainty: A discussion with Principals Ann Caro (NSW), Michael Hornby (QLD) and Karen Snibson (VIC), 12:30pm – 1:30pm (AEST) via Zoom, with host Ricky Campbell-Allen, Menzies Scholar and PL for HCA Principal Programs
School principals have been in the frontline of the COVID-19 response, leading their school communities through disruption, challenges and opportunities. Some education systems have returned to a version of ‘business-as-usual’ and others are back in remote emergency learning mode.
How have we adapted? What are we learning about how our kids learn and how teachers learn? Who is thriving? Who is being left behind? What are we learning about equity, school-parent/carer partnerships, testing and transitions to post schooling?
Ann Caro has worked for 24 years in disadvantaged schools in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, most recently as Principal of Lithgow High School. Lithgow High School enrols everyone and works tirelessly to create success for every student. A passionate supporter of public education Ann wants every child to attend their excellent local public school. Ann was a 2018 Schools Plus Australian Teaching Fellow and was recipient of the 2019 Public Education Foundation and Harvard Club of Australia Principals Scholarship.
Michael Hornby is the proud Principal of Mabel Park State High School – One of the most diverse and dynamic school’s in Australia. The school has won a number of major awards over the last few years including: Queensland Reconciliation Award, Queensland Training Award and finalist of the Australian Public High School of the Year due to driving innovative approaches to education for students of today and tomorrow. Michael is the recipient of the 2020 Public Education Foundation and Harvard Club of Australia Principals Scholarship.
Karen Snibson is the incredibly proud Principal of Phoenix P-12 Community College. The school is unique by design, having a kindergarten, Community Hub and Ballarat Health Services Dental Teaching Facility onsite. In 2019, Karen graduated from the University of Melbourne Masters of Instructional Leadership. She is a Menzies Fellow and the Victorian representative on The National Smith Family Principal Advisory Group.
Karen is a recipient of the 2020 HCA School Principals Scholarship to attend the Principal Centre in Australia.
Ricky Campbell-Allen is Director of EdCapital, an education consultancy. She has significant leadership experience in education reform, working across schools, education systems and in the not-for-profit sector in Australia and USA. Ricky has held system leadership positions in US school districts, was Founding Director of the Centre for New Public Education and spent 7 years as a teacher and school leader. Ricky is a R.G Menzies Scholar, a graduate of Harvard, and she is currently undertaking PhD research on how system leaders help principals improve student learning outcomes.