HCA Nonprofit Fellowship - 2019 Applications Open

November 21, 2018

The HCA Nonprofit Fellowship Program 2019
 Founding Patrons:  William D. Ferris AC and Lea Ferris

Today we launch the 19th year of the Harvard Club of Australia's (HCA) Nonprofit Fellowships and I am honoured to continue as Chair of the program again this year.

**Please note that this year HCA are partnering with Australian Scholarships Foundation and applications should be made via the ASF portal and must be received by 4 February 2019.**

Valued at $A12,500, each Fellowship has been funded by our patrons, Bill and Lea Ferris. We send two Fellows annually to Harvard Business School’s landmark course Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management* in July each year.  They return empowered and find it of real value throughout their careers. Our 480 applicants over the 17 years cover a very broad range of nonprofit endeavours from all over the nation.

Click Here for Full Details and Application Form

We hope you will help us spread to word to eligible non-profit CEOs and help extend the impact of our program and the benefits to the sector.

Lisa George,
Chair, HCA Nonprofit Fellowship Program


* Full details on the SPNM course can be obtained from: www.exed.hbs.edu/programs/spnm/.