Monday, May 4, 2020
12:15 PM 2:00 PM
4 May 2020, HCA Monday Club with Aaron Patrick
Join us for our first 'online' Monday Club! This webinar-based talk and Q&A session will be held via the Zoom platform. This event is free.
Bring your own sandwiches and drinks! Please join us from 12.15pm for a prompt start to the session at 12.30pm.
Scott Morrison in a Crisis
What experience did the Prime Minister gain in the 'crisis' of the election? How did that prepare him (or not) for the handling of the bushfire and Covid-19 'crises'? Club member and journalist Aaron Patrick, will draw on findings from his recent book, "Surprise Party", before opening up to a general Q&A. HCA Vice President David Pumphrey will facilitate this conversation.
Aaron Patrick is the Senior Correspondent for The Australian Financial Review, and covers Australia for The Washington Post. He is the author or co-author of four books, including the recent Surprise Party: How the Coalition Went from Chaos to Comeback through Black Inc. He is a graduate of Melbourne and Sydney universities and the Kennedy School of Government.
Time : 12.15pm for 12.30pm start until 2pm
Via Zoom