Allyship Series: After Atlanta, How Do Asian Americans Want Us to Show Up?

Following their successful events focusing on Anti-Racism Allyship (October), Allyship with the LGBTQ+ community (November), and Allyship with Indigenous Peoples (February), the Harvard Clubs of Boston and Ireland in partnership with the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance will be holding an event on Allyship with the Asian American community.

This event will focus on how Asian Americans are looking for support in the wake of the Atlanta killings of 6 Asian women a few weeks ago. With speakers including Harvard Professor Ju Yon Kim and alumna, professor and filmmaker Renee Tajima-Peña, we will delve into the history of Anti-Asian hate in America and actions we can all take to support the Harvard Asian American Alumni community. The conversation will be facilitated by Sheryl WuDunn, author and award-winning journalist, business and finance consultant and alumni leader.

The Harvard Club of Australia is joining the Harvard Clubs of Ireland and Boston as a co-presenter of this event, together with HAA Clubs and Shared Interest Groups around the world.

This event will take place on Wednesday, April 28 at 2 am AEST/ Tuesday, April 27th at 12 pm EST.


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If you would like to take part in the live event, please register via Eventbrite. The link to the event will be sent on the day of the event to all registrants.